Ellis Emeralds of Zora Ellis Jr. High School

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Please be sure to check out the Calendar link on the side.  

 As school starts back I am a little sad the break is over, as I know most of you are too, however, I am very excited about the first week back.  We were able to get another practice in on Tuesday due to some changes to the high school girls schedule.  Please check the calendar and be sure that you know times and places and  what to wear.  If you have questions be sure to ask Lacey or me. 

Your performance at Killen was great.  The judges really had some good comments, both about things you did well and suggestions to make it better.  We have a few things to fix and improve upon (no major changes), but with some hard work and dedication you will have a good standing as we go to Nashville on Friday.  I am very excited about the trip with such a great group of young ladies and hope that we can find it to be VERY rewarding!  As you come back to school on Monday do all you can to get as focused on the task at hand as you possibly can.  We have not got a minute to spare.  

In case you did not notice.  The video is posted below from Brooks High School.  

I received an email from the SCGC director that stated that we would have official times available on Monday before 5pm.  I am hoping I get them sometime during the day and can plug in specific times so you can the final itinerary at Mondays rehearsal.   You will receive a packet on Friday morning when you arrive with a copy of the Itinerary, maps, address, etc.  that you will need for the trip. 

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