Ellis Emeralds of Zora Ellis Jr. High School

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fundamentals Camp! (11/14- 11/15)

Friday: (when you arrive come straight to the bandroom)
-- We will begin rehearsal at 5:00 p.m.
-- Eat before you come. We will have snacks and drinks after practice.
-- Please be on time. In order to bring in your bags and such, you may have to arrive before
5:00. Walking through the door or the parking lot is considered late.
--We will rehearse until 9:00 pm.
--We will then have snacks and drinks, watch videos and play some fun-filled games.
-- What to wear:
Each group will be assigned a color… you may wear anything this color. Please make the
majority of what you have on this color… particular shade doesn’t matter.
*Ellis Emeralds – Green
*Dega Darlins – Pink
*Dega Darlins Addition - Blue

--8:00 - Wake up/eat breakfast (provided)/shower
--9:30 – 12:00 – rehearsals.
--12:00 – lunch (provided)
--1:00-5:00 rehearsals
--What to wear:
o Ellis Emeralds: Ellis Emerald Shirt, red shorts, leggings are optional
o Dega Darlins: Purple Dega Darlins shirt, black shorts
o Dega Darlins Addition: Red Dega Darlin Addition Shirt, red shorts… (just because I am sure
most of you have that color….we will have to order a matching pair in the future.)

Things to remember:
--Sleeping bag, cot, or blow up mattress (whichever you prefer)
--Toiletries (shampoo, soap, etc.)
-- Towel/Washcloth, etc.
-- P.J.’s
--Clothes that are comfortable for rehearsal… check above for group colors.
-- Shoes you can point your toe in for rehearsals.
--Great attitude and the desire to have fun!

Due to the fact that we want this to be a group bonding experience and you cannot do so if you are on your cell phone, we ask that you do not bring or turn on your cell phone during this camp. We will be in the bandroom, where there is a phone for the use of any student. Parents you are more than welcome to call the bandroom if you need something… 256-315-5677. We will check the messages often.

I am excited and looking forward to a great time with all of you. See you Friday!

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